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Python Django Internship

Get recognized and be an experienced web developer in Python Django.

Course Contents:

Python Language, Django, MySQL, MongoDB, Java Script, Bootstrap, Html


Course + Internship: 6 Months | 250 Hours

Fee Details:

Normal Students: ₹ 30,000

Registration Fee : ₹ 5,000
Emi ( 05 Installments ) : ₹ 5,000

College Students: ₹ 25,000
Live BTech|BCA|BSC Project with Internship

Registration Fee : ₹ 4,000
Emi ( 06 Installments ) : ₹ 3,500


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  Degree Project Bonafide Certificate


  Web Application Developer
  Python Programmer
  Django Developer
  MySQL Data Manager
  Responsive Web Designer

1. Core Python Course Syllabus:

01 Python Programming Language

What is Python?, Uses of Python, What can Python do?, Why Python?, Python Syntax compared to other programming languages, Data Types in Python, Text, Integer, float, complex, Boolean, Built-in Data Types, Sequence Types: list, tuple, range, Mapping Type: dict, Set Types: set, frozenset, Binary Types: bytes, byte array, memoryview, Non Type Python Variables, Case-Sensitiveness, Multi Words Variable Names, Camel Case, Pascal Case, Snake Case, Python Variable Names Rules, Assign Many Values to Multiple Variables, Concatenation operation, type() Function, Comments, Input, Output functions, print(), input(),Type Casting, Simple Python Programs with input and out put operations

02 String Management in Python

String, Multiline Strings, indexing, Slicing Strings, start index and the end index, Slice from the start, Slice to the end, Negative indexing, Modify Strings: upper(), lower(),Remove Whitespace: strip(), Replace Method: replace(), Split String: split() method, String Built-in Methods: capitalize(),count(), str(), find(), isalnum(), isalpha(),isascii(),isdecimal(),isdigit(),islower(),isnumeric(),isspace(),isupper(),startswith(),swapcase(),title(), String Concatenation, Escape Characters: \' Single Quote, \\ Backslash, \n New Line, \r Carriage Return, \t Tab, \b Backspace, \f Form Feed, \ooo Octal value, \xhh Hex value

03 Python Operators.

Arithmetic operators, Assignment operators, Comparison operators, Logical operators, Identity operators, Membership operators, Bitwise operators. Arithmetic Operations: Additions, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulus, Exponentiation, Floor division. Assignment Operators: = , +=, -=, *= , /=, %= . Comparison Operators: Equal, Not equal, Greater than, Less than, Greater than or equal to, Less than or equal to. Logical Operators: and, or, not, Identity Operators: is ,is not, Membership Operators: in , not in , Bitwise Operators: & , | , ^ ,~ , << , >>

04 Python Collections class: List.

List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary, Python Lists, Features of List: List items are ordered, changeable, and allow duplicate values, List items are indexed, List Length: len(), List items and data types, list() Constructor, Access List items, Negative Indexing in Lists, Range of Negative Indexing, Change Item Value, Change a Range of Item List Values, Change the second value by replacing it with two new values, Insert Items in List: insert() method, Add List Items: append() method, Extend List: extend() method, Remove List Items: remove() method, Remove Specified Index: pop() method, The ‘del’ keyword, Delete the entire list, Clear the List, Sort Lists, Sort List Alphanumerically: sort() method, case-insensitive sort, Sort the list numerically, Sort Descending, Reverse Order: reverse() method, Copy Lists, copy() method, Join Lists, extend(), append(), clear() , copy(), count(), extend(), index(), insert(), pop(), remove(), reverse(), sort()

05 Python Collection class: Tuple.

Python Tuple, Storage, Tuple Items, Indexing, Characteristics of Tuple: Ordered, Unchangeable, Allows Duplicates, Tuple Length len() method, Tuple with One Item, type() method and Tuple, tuple() Constructor, Access Tuple Items, Negative Indexing, Range of Indices, How to Change Tuple Values, How to Add Items to tuple, How to Remove Items from a tuple, ‘del’ keyword, Packing and Unpacking a Tuple, Using Asterisk*, Join Tuples, Multiply Tuples, count() method, index() method.

06 Python Program Flow Control Statements.

Python Conditions and If statements, if statements, if-else statements, if –elif-else statements, Indentation and if , Short Hand if, Short Hand if ... else, multiple else statements on the same line, if and logical operator ‘and’ , if and logical operator ‘or’, Nested If, The pass Statement. Iterative statements in Python, While Loops, syntax, Working of while loop, indexing variable, statements block, increment / decrement, The break Statement, The continue Statement, The else Statement with while. Demonstration programs.

07 Python Iterative Statements.

For Loops, iterating over a sequence, syntax of ‘for’ loop, ‘in’ key word, break Statement, The continue Statement, The range() Function, start parameter in range(),increment the Sequence, Else in For Loop, Nested Loops, inner loop, outer loop, The pass Statement, Demonstration programs.

08 Python Collection class: Set.

Sets, Characteristics of sets, unordered, unchangeable, and un-indexed, features of Set Items, Get the Length of a Set len(), Sets and data types,set() Constructor , access Set Items, set and for loop, add() method, how to Add Sets, Add Any Iterable, update() method, remove(), discard() method, pop() method, clear() method, del keyword, Join Two Sets, union() method, The intersection_update() method, intersection() method, symmetric_difference_update() method, add(),clear(), copy(), difference(), difference_update(), discard(), intersection(), intersection_update(),isdisjoint(),issubset() , issuperset(), pop(),remove(), symmetric_difference(), symmetric_difference_update(), union() and update().

09 Python Collections class: Dictionary.

Python Dictionaries, syntax, key: value pairs, characteristics of Dictionary Items, ordered, changeable, and does not allow duplicates, Dictionary Length, len() method, python dictionary items and data types, Accessing Items in dictionary, get() method, Get Keys using keys() function, Get Values using values() method, Add a new item to the original dictionary, items() method, Check if Key Exists, update() method, Remove Dictionary Items, pop() method, popitem() method, del keyword, clear() method, Copy a Dictionary, copy(),dict() function, Nested Dictionaries,clear(), copy(), fromkeys(), get(), keys(), pop(), popitem(), setdefault(), update(), values().

10 Python Functions.

Syntax, definition def key word, parameters, return data, function call, Function Parameters and Arguments, Arbitrary Arguments, *args, Keyword Arguments, kwargs, Arbitrary Keyword Arguments, **kwargs, Default Parameter Value, Passing a List as an Argument, How Function return Values, The pass Statement. Demonstration programs.

11 Object Oriented Programming in Python 01.

Classes and Objects in Python, properties and methods, ‘class’ key word, Instantiation, __init__() Function, self parameter, The pass Statement, Delete Object Properties, Demonstration of class, objects, member Methods and data.

12 Object Oriented Programming in Python 02

Inheritance in Python, Parent / Base class, Child / derived class, inheritance syntax, __init__() Function and Inheritance, function over riding, super() method, self, Multi Level Inheritance, Demonstration examples.

13 Python Scope rules for program constructs.

Scope Rules, Local Scope, Global Scope, variable availability, Global Keyword

14 Python Modules.

Modules, file containing a set of functions, code library, import key word, module functions, module data, Naming and renaming a Module, as keyword, Python Built-in Modules, platform module, dir() Function, Import From Module, by using the from keyword.

15 Datetime Module in Python.,strftime() Function, time and timezone (hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzone), formatting date objects into readable strings, strftime() and parameters.

16 Math Module in Python.

min() and max(),sqrt(),ceil(),floor(), pi, Trigonometric functions, exp(),fabs(),factorial(),fmod(),fsum(),gcd(),isfinite(),isinf(),isnan(),isqrt(),log(),pow(),prod(),Math Constants

17 Exception Handling in Python.

try: block, except: statement, try....except...else … finally, generic except clause, multiple except Statements, Raise an Custom exception, raise keyword, Exception class: Exception, StopIteration, SystemExit, StandardError, ArithmeticError, OverflowError, FloatingPointError, ZeroDivisionError, AssertionError, AttributeError, EOFError, ImportError, KeyboardInterrupt, LookupError, IndexError, KeyError, NameError, UnboundLocalError, EnvironmentError, IOError, SyntaxError, IndentationError, SystemError, SystemExit, TypeError, ValueError, RuntimeError, NotImplementedError.

18 Python File Handling.

reading, updating, and deleting files, open(),filename, mode, "r" – Read, "a" – Append, "w" – Write, "x" – Create, binary or text mode, "t" – Text, "b" – Binary, read() method, Read Only Parts of the File, Read Lines using readLine(),Iterating File using for loop, Close Files, close() method, write() method, Overwrite, How to Create a New File using Python Code?, Delete a File, remove() method, Checking if the File exist, exists(), rmdir().

19 Python Lambda Functions.

Concept of anonymous function, Lambda arguments, syntax, calling Lambda Function, simple programs using Lambda function, Lambda function inside Functions, syntax, implementations, calling outer function.

20 Python and Relational Database Management Systems.

Python supported data bases, Concept of: Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Data Query Statements, Python DB-API, Relational Database Management System, MySQL, features, Numeric Type Storage Requirements of MySQL, MySQL Date and Time Type Storage Requirements, String Type Storage, Requirements in MySQL, MySQL Connection, Python DB Driver, MySQL. Connector API, Install MySQL, host Name, username, Pass word, connection Object, connect() function, create database using Python code, cursor() and execute()methods, exception handling in database applications, check db exists, creating table using python code, Check if Table Exists, More about MySQL, Primary key, Foreign Key, Auto increment, alter table, add column using python code, insert data to table, mydb.commit(),executemany() method, Get Inserted ID, selection, fetchall() function, fetchone() method, Filtering a result using “WHERE”, Use of Wildcard Characters, like, SQL injection Attack and precaution, place holder, Order By, asc, desc, Delete Record using python code, "DROP TABLE" statement, Drop Only if Exist, Update Table, set, limit, Use of “OFFSET”, Use of Join, INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN,

2. Python Django Course Syllabus:

1. Introduction in Python Django

Python Overview, History of python, Features, Install python,Pycharm IDE, Python Basics , high level Python Web framework, Why was Django, developed, Pycharm IDE, Installing Django, Run first project, Application life cycle

2. New Application in Python Django

Create New Application, Create view, Default action index, URL mapping

3. Identifiers, Keywords in Python Django

Identifiers, Reserved Words, Lines and Indentation, Comments

4. Data type in Python Django

Variables, Initialization of variables, Constants, Data Types, Type casting

5. Operators in Python Django

Operators, Arithmetic operators, Assignment operators, Comparison operators, Logical operators, Identity operators, Membership operators, Bitwise operators

6. Jinja template in Python Django

Template directory, Create application directory, HTML file, render html file, load html file to view using loader

7. Flow Control (1) in Python Django

Selection Control flow statement, If, if ..else, if… elf

8. Flow Control (2) in Python Django

Iteration Flow Control, Loops, While, do while, for

9. Exceptions in Python Django

What is Exception, Handling an exception, Try, except blocks, Except clause with no exceptions, Except clause with multiple exceptions, Try finally clause, Argument of an exception

10. Jinja template in Python Django

Template directory, Create application directory, HTML file

11. Page redirection, Form processing in Python Django

How to redirect next page using Redirect() Cross- site request forgery attack on site, {% csrf_token %}

12. Jinja template in Python Django

Apply css file to html, Application level css, Project level css

13. Model,Adminpanel in Python Django

Create Model, Define schema, class Manage Admin, Create Super user, Change the file, Import model to Register class to admin, Manage tables in admin panel

14. Database (1) in Python Django

Login form, Modelclass.objects.filter() match criteria, Modelclass.objects.get(), Set Session value, Logout clear all sessions

15. Database (2) in Python Django

Insert values using save(),Retrieve all record from table using Modelclass.object.all()

16. Database (3) in Python Django

update values using save(), Delete record from table using delete()

17. Database (4) in Python Django

Sql statement join using query, Modelcalss.objects.raw(query)

18. upload file in Python Django

Upload image to shared folder , write filename to database and display image

19. project design (1) in Python Django

Create web application Design page using html, css, bootstrap, jquery.

20. project design (2) in Python Django

Create web application Design page using html, css, bootstrap, jquery.

21. Project Coding (1) in Python Django

web Application coding

22.Project Coding (2) in Python Django

web Application coding

23. Project Coding (3) in Python Django

web Application coding

24. Project Coding (4) in Python Django

web Application coding

25. Project Coding (5) in Python Django

web Application coding

* Each Session include:
Faculty training, Lab Practice and Portal based Assignments.

* Each Session is 01 to 1.5 Hours Duration
* Sinet Education reserved the right to alter the course contents, offers, price, certificates etc.